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Jay Z's Bid To Acquire European Music Streaming Service 'Aspiro' Has Been Blocked
Jay Z's Bid To Acquire European Music Streaming Service 'Aspiro' Has Been Blocked

Jay Z's Bid To Acquire European Music Streaming Service 'Aspiro' Has Been Blocked

Jay Z's Bid To Acquire European Music Streaming Service 'Aspiro' Has Been Blocked

Early this year, we learned that Jay Z would be trying his hand at the music streaming industry with an 8-figure bid to buy European streaming service Aspiro. Well, it appears that not all business ventures come wrapped in ribbon. Today, it was reported by Swedish publication Dagens Industri that Hov’s $56,000,000 bid was rejected by the company's minority stockholders after being unanimously excepted by the board. And while he's not exactly out of the race to purchase the highly-coveted streaming service (with the terms of his offer ending next week on March 11th) the shareholders will continue to work out more favorable terms for themselves. Jay's Brooklyn Nets venture didn't exactly pay out the way he had hoped, but based solely on the size of this bid, we're thinking the shareholders might just have a change of heart in the 11th hour. On the other hand, it might just be a safer bet to take that hefty offer and buy into say, Spotify or Beats, both of which have a commanding hold on the streaming industry, but you know how the story goes; whatever Hov wants, he damn well gets. Check back next week, as we'll be sure to have the full scoop.