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Screen shot 2017 08 23 at 12 34 32 pm 2
Screen shot 2017 08 23 at 12 34 32 pm 2

Fake Twitter Accounts Are Blaming Hurricane Katrina On Obama

Fake Twitter Accounts Are Blaming Hurricane Katrina On Obama Source: YouTube

Type in "Obama Katrina" or "Obama Katrina Golf" on Twitter and witness the stupidity.

Donald Trump recently made his way to Texas to speak on the destruction Hurricane Harvey has caused throughout the state. However, news outlets have criticized the current president for his visit, with Trump reportedly not meeting with any victims while there.

READ: Hurricane Harvey Displaces 30,000 In Texas

Following that has come a number of tweets (presumably from fake Twitter accounts) claiming that Trump handled Harvey better than Obama did Hurricane Katrina, with many tweeting that the latter was golfing during the natural disaster. Yes, there are tweets equating Trump's handling of Harvey with Obama's handling of Katrina. But there is a noticeable difference — Katrina took place when George W. Bush was president in 2005. Obama was the junior Senator from Illinois when Katrina took place.

And for what it is worth even as junior Senator Obama was not golfing when Katrina took place. Obama was in Houston with former presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton to meet Katrina evacuees at the city's Astrodome shortly after the catastrophe took place. He also criticized George W. Bush's handling of Katrina while speaking at "A Celebration of Black Alumni" event at Harvard Law School back in 2005, saying:

'In the immediate aftermath of the hurricane, I think it’s important that we don’t just assume that George Bush is lying when he says he's finally been awakened to the fact that poverty and racism are in our midst. It's tempting to do so, especially when he decides to put Karl Rove in charge of reconstruction.

As easy as it might be to dismiss these fake Twitter accounts there are people who may see these tweets and take them as real, which is how this fake news conundrum the United States is currently facing got started in the first place. Let us not also forget that back in 2013 a Public Policy Polling survey revealed that 29 percent of Louisiana Republicans said Obama was responsible for the Katrina response. Twenty-eight percent put the blame on George W. Bush, whose administration did, in fact, oversee the federal response to Katrina.