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Screen shot 2022 06 01 at 10 53 22 am
Photo Credit: Charles Booker (YouTube)

Kentucky Democratic Nominee Charles Booker Wears Noose In New Political Ad

Charles Booker, Kentucky's first Black Democratic senatorial candidate, wears a noose around his neck in a new campaign advertisement.

Charles Booker, who's running for Senator of Kentucky, unleashes the painful memory of lynching in a new advertisement. In opposition to Senator Rand Paul – who blocked legislation that would have made lynching a federal crime in 2020 – Booker wears a noose in the advertisement titled "Pain of Our Past."

“In Kentucky, like many states throughout the south, lynching was a tool of terror,” says Booker in the ad. “Now, in a historic victory for our commonwealth, I have become the first Black Kentuckian to receive the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate. My opponent? The very person who compared expanded health care to slavery.”

The advertisement comes two weeks after Booker received the Democratic nomination. Three of Booker's uncles were lynching victims in Kentucky, which makes his campaign more personal as Saturday, June 4th marks two years since Rand Paul blocked an antilynching bill.

My family history, which includes lives taken by lynching, made this advertisement one of the hardest things I have done, in the pursuit of office or otherwise,” Booker said in a statement. “I know this video will be jarring for some. My belief is that we must confront the trauma of our history, and my belief is that our common love and sincerity will help us push through the initial shock and come together to recognize our shared humanity, fight for justice, and strengthen our democracy.”

Senator Paul was in objection to the Emmett Till Antilynching Act after the bill passed in the House of Representatives by a vote of 410-4. Paul claimed that the bill would "cheapen the meaning of lynching,” although there has been 160 recorded lynchings in Kentucky to date.

The Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Bill was reintroduced last year and passed in the Senate in March, later signed into law by President Joe Biden on March 29.