Michelle Obama On Being President: "I Wouldn’t Ask My Children To Do This Again"

Michelle Obama Delivers Final Speech As First Lady

It's no secret that Michelle Obama had a certain disinterest — some would say disdain — for politics. And yet, to this day, people wonder if the First Lady would ever run for President herself.

And, despite the fact that she and her husband President Barack Obama both say Michelle isn't interested, people still wonder. Earlier today, Michelle Obama made her first appearance as a private citizen at a speaking engagement in Orlando. For 45 minutes she talked about a range of things, from what the last 100 days have been like to how their two dogs, Bo and Sunny, are adjusting. (There was no mention of Donald Trump.)

However, when talking about a future in politics, Obama put all rumors to rest:

 “It’s all well and good until you start running, and then the knives come out... Politics is tough, and it’s hard for a family … I wouldn’t ask my children to do this again because, when you run for higher office, it’s not just you, it’s your whole family.”

She went on to say that “there’s just so much more we can do outside of the office because we won’t have the burden of political baggage.”

Like her husband, FLOTUS is trying to make change. She's just trying to do it outside of government.

H/T: Orlando Sentinel 

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