Jay Z & Bill Maher Talk Harry Belafonte, Trayvon, & More

Jay Z paid a visit to the set of HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher over the weekend to discuss his latest LP Magna Carta Holy Grail and his recent beef with Harry Belafonte. The visit came ahead of the HBO premiere of the short film accompanying Jay Z's single "Picasso Baby." During the discussion Jay Z touches on everything from his public spat with Belafonte to his feelings about New York's stop-and-frisk laws, income disparity and the Trayvon Martin trial. He even manages to get former Representative Barney Frank lathered up over their difference of opinion on the need for increased police presence in low income areas; Jay Z posits that it is not more cops that are necessary, but more jobs - a point the audience overwhelmingly applauds. Bill Maher ends the rousing discussion with the suggestion that Jay Z purchase a state to combat conservative takeovers. Check the footage below for the full rundown, including the bedazzled Mets cap Bill Maher unsuccessfully tries to give to Jay Z.

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