George Lucas Gifts USC $10 Million to USC for Diversity Effort
George Lucas Gifts USC $10 Million to USC for Diversity Effort
Photo of George Lucas courtesy of IMDb.

George Lucas Gives $10 Million To USC In Effort To Promote Student Diversity

Photo of George Lucas courtesy of IMDb.

In 2012, George Lucassold Lucasfilm to Disney for  $4.05 billion dollars. He's putting that money to good use.

It's just been announced that The George Lucas Family Foundation has given USC's School of Cinematic Arts a $10 million endowment in an effort to create a more diverse pool of students.

This is the second donation Lucas has provided USC over the last year. In fall 2016, Lucas launched The George Lucas Family Foundation Endowed Student Support Fund for Diversity with a $10 million endowment.

With this fund, students, who are known as George Lucas Scholars or Mellody Hobson Scholars, will receive much-needed financial aid so they can chase their dreams.

Michael Renov, Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, spoke about the donations:

“We are grateful that Mellody Hobson and George Lucas continue to provide visionary leadership on issues of diversity in our field. This endowed fund allows us to recruit storytellers whose voices are underrepresented in cinematic media, and whose inclusion benefits all of us.”

If the success of a movie like Moonlight tells us anything, it's to invest in diversity.

HT: HollywoodReporter

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