Zakee tippin short film feat
Zakee tippin short film feat

Pass The Popcorn: Zakee Spotlights Tierra Bomba With Short Film "Tippin"

Zakee sheds light on the Afro-Colombian community of Tierra Bomba Island in his short film Tippin, which drops ahead of the forthcoming Assimilations: Rise Of The Rebels LP. The film premiered this week on IndieWire's Shadow and Act blog after months of careful preparation. The film, which corresponds directly with Zakee's sustainability work in the aforementioned town, is a coming of age musical journey that takes thematic cues from a mixed bag of cinematic sources including Coppola's The Outsiders and Lord Of The Flies with a stylistic nod to Meteor Man's Golden Lords. The film features the children of the island off the coast of Cartagena, Colombia founded by descendants of enslaved Africans. Zakee speaks directly to those children and others like them around the world that may be struggling to rise above adverse circumstances:

"Tippin describes the moments in my life where I almost reached a breaking point. I wanted to contrast that imagery with messages of empowerment that would hopefully reach people with similar challenges, even The Tierra Bomba Boys. Tippin, gives a glimpse of the people of Tierra Bomba, their real lives, work and struggles."

The film is a visual manifestation of Zakee's philosophy that finds him challenging the viewer to see the crew of boys onscreen as more than just a gang, instead appreciating the concept of power in numbers as they ride together. Their faces contain a measure of joy and promise that makes them seem to levitate above anything that could potentially obstruct their rise. Check the footage below to watch Zakee's short film Tippin. Donate to Zakee's ongoing sustainability work with the community of Tierra Bomba Island via Stay tuned for more ahead of the Assimilations: Rise Of The Rebels LP, dropping this spring.

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