The Apollo Theater Is Hosting A Free Viewing Party For The First Presidential Debate

The Apollo Theater Is Hosting A Free Viewing Party For The First Presidential Debate

It's the beginning of September 2016, which means precisely one of two things. We're either looking down the barrel of certain doom with a prospective Drumpf presidency or bracing ourselves for a slightly less apocalyptic future at the lead of Hillary Clinton. Neither of which are ideal according to recent polls, but let's be honest: anything that keeps this country out of the tiny hands of Donald Trump is a win for more than just US, but the world at large.

At the end of this month (September 26th,) Clinton and Trump will finally square off in what promises to be the most entertaining (and telling) debate yet of this election year, standing across the podium from one another at Hoftra University in Long Island for the first presidential debate between the candidates. And to give you somewhat neutral ground to observe the grand spectacle, NYC's legendary Apollo Theater will be hosting a viewing party for the righteously low price of free ninety-nine. All you have to do is hit the link below to RSVP and make sure you get to Harlem on the early side to secure a good seat in the orchestra.

>>>RSVP for The Apollo's presidential debate viewing party

h/t DNA Info

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