Selfridges Delivers A Gorgeous Visual w/ A Powerful Message, Scored By Neneh Cherry & Dev Hynes
Selfridges Delivers A Gorgeous Visual w/ A Powerful Message, Scored By Neneh Cherry & Dev Hynes

Selfridges Delivers A Gorgeous Visual w/ A Powerful Message, Scored By Neneh Cherry & Dev Hynes

Neneh Cherry& Dev Hynes are and have long been steadfast in their support of the LGBTQ community, championing the rights of those that identify with any facet of sexuality, or in this case, none at all. The duo have teamed up to score a stunning visual with powerful sentiment for UK-based design house/retailer Selfridgesand their freshly launched agender campaign. Featuring a massive roster of performers, the conceptual piece hammers in the notion that style and cool transcend sexuality altogether. And who better than Hynes and Cherry to provide an exceptionally sophisticated, minimal and whispery number to accompany. If you're interested in learning more about the campaign, hit the link below. Otherwise, just sit back and enjoy a powerful clip with a wicked little score.

>>>Read More On Selfridges' Agender Campaign

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