Nardwuar Interviews Eric Andre, Pure Weirdness Ensues
Nardwuar Interviews Eric Andre, Pure Weirdness Ensues

Nardwuar Interviews Eric Andre, Pure Weirdness Ensues

Nardwuar and Eric Andre. Yup, Canada's very own Human Serviette interviewed The Eric Andre Show host and, as you could probably predict, things were consistently weird in the best way possible.

With Nardwuar portraying his interviewer persona and Andre being peak-Andre, the interview basically felt like a segment from the latter's Adult Swim TV show, if the interviewee were also in on the joke.

The two's conversation begins with GG Allin who Andre is a fan of. Although the comedian finds Allin entertaining he also states the deceased rock artist was a "horrible person" who wanted to legalize a number of unlawful acts (seriously, if you're not familiar with Allin just Google him and see what you find).

Then Nardwuar begins to throw his curveball questions, the ones that make his interviewees say "How did you know that?"

"You've taken a s**t on your mom's lawn" Nardwuar asks Andre, with the latter responding "Yeah, when I was 17 years old."

Nardwuar also gets Andre to talk about Jimmy Kimmel's son being a personal assistant on the show, and how they got him to touch a pretty sensitive part of his dad's body during his appearance on The Eric Andre Show.

"We wanted a PA to do it and we were like ' We can get arrested if it goes bad," Andre said. "But I was like 'If it's his son, he gets arrested.'"

As the two's back and forth continue we also learn some stuff about Nardwuar. For one, he's not Scottish and his infamous "Doot Doola Doot Doo" is inspired by the organ players that soundtrack hockey games.

Also, apparently the smell of Nardwuar's armpits were really bad during the two's interview, with Andre bringing up the smell more than once.

Needless to say, this is another great Nardwuar interview, and hopefully we'll see Canada's very own as a co-host on season five of The Eric Andre Show.

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