King Let Flavor Manifest Cover Art Square
King Let Flavor Manifest Cover Art Square

Emerging Hip-Hop Beatmaker King Shares Delicious Instrumental "Suslord Theory" + New LP Tracklist

Perhaps you're already familiar with the lovely R&B duo King, whose divine vocal talents have been keeping us more than content for quite some time. Today, however, you're going to update your contacts and rolodexes, because a new hip-hop troubadour bearing the same name is firing funky shots across the bow. Signed to Alpha Pup Records, King have just released their new single "Suslord Theory," which features a beat constructed of clean, instrumental samples (guitar, piano, drums, trumpet--it's all here folks) and slathered with a veneer of synthesized gleam.

"Suslord Theory" is the debut single off of King's upcoming LP Let Flavor Manifest, a 16 track demonstration of his unpredictable, vintage--inspired beatmaking. Filled with equal parts samples and brand new compositions. An acolyte of the Los Angeles Low End Theory scene, King takes a new-limits approach to his work and on Let Flavor Manifest samples strange vocals, feral beats and experimental sounds from all available sources. Okayplayer is proud to premiere the tracklisting to King's new LP below, and we recommend you put "Suslord Theory" on repeat for the rest of your afternoon.

Let Flavor Manifest Tracklist:

1. Acquiring Skills

2. Suslord Theory

3. The Wonder of the Residents

4. So Many Yungs

5. Weird Body High

6. The Kingductor

7.Daddy Didn’t Hear You

8. Drama on the Patio

9. Once You Get to Know Me

10. Do For Love

11. The Classics

12. The Music, The Strength

13. Gaslamp’s Inferno

14. Low End Crew Connect

15. They Put Me On The Set

16. Home At Low End Theory

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