Killer Mike Rips Hillary Clinton Over Treatment Of #BlackLivesMatter Protestors

Killer Mike Rips Hillary Clinton On The Campaign Trail

"I know that the only person that I have the conscience to vote for is Bernard Sanders."

As the campaign trail continues to heat up, Killer Mike is proving his allegiance to The Bern was no one-off rant. He's laid his defense of Bernie on countless occasions at this point, but recent recoil over his quoting Jane Elliot in stating "Michael, a uterus doesn’t qualify you to be president of the United States,” has him reinvigorated and clarifying the sentiments at work in his endorsement of Sanders, clarifying the staunch differences between Clinton and Sanders in regards to their respective stances, through action, towards Black Lives Matter.

At Claflin University in South Carolina, Mike took the stage once again, ripping into Clinton's treatment of a young girl that interrupted her at a recent fundraising event, hushing her and shooing her off like a nuisance, when Bernie Sanders stood to the side and shook the hands of protestors when he was similarly interrupted during a speech months ago. You can hear Killer Mike rip into Hillary Clinton with an impassioned opening remark down below. With Big Tuesday just hours away, we're hoping you all step out and cast your ballots, no matter whose side you're on.

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