Joe Biden Says He Is Considering A 2020 Presidential Run

Joe Biden Says He Is Considering A 2020 Presidential Run

Looks like Vice President Joe Biden might run for president in 2020.

According to a report from CNBC, Biden told a group of reporters this past Monday that a presidential run from him in the foreseeable future is a possibility.

"Yeah, I am. I am going to run in 2020," Biden said when asked if he would run for office again. When asked to elaborate on the role he would seek, the 74-year-old vice president replied: "For president. And also, you know so, what the hell man, anyway."

He then however clarified his statement, adding that he was not committed to anything when reporters asked if he was kidding.

"I'm not committing not to run. I'm not committed to anything," Biden said. "I learned a long time ago, fate has a strange way of intervening."

If Biden did decide to run, he would be 77 years old on Election Day in 2020. Prior to becoming the Vice President for the past eight years, Biden represented Delaware for 36 years in the Senate.
He did run for president in 1988 and in 2008, but decided against another presidential bid this election cycle in a October 2015 news conference (he and his family were grieving the death of his eldest son Beau Biden, who had brain cancer at the time) and eventually endorsed Hillary Clinton.
"The [grief] process doesn't respect or much care about things like filing deadlines or debates and primaries and caucuses," Biden had said in that news conference, adding that he did not have enough time to mount a winning campaign.
But even just the possibility of seeing the Obama Vice President embark on a presidential campaign in 2020 is reassuring. President Obama already told us that wife Michelle Obamawould not be running anytime soon (or ever, if we are being completely honest with ourselves), and Bernie Sanders has refocused his efforts to helping as a senate.
Still, we will see what happens when 2020 rolls around.

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