Jimmy Fallon Explains How He & Dave Chappelle Got Prince To Perform At SNL's Epic 40th Anniversary Afterparty
Jimmy Fallon Explains How He & Dave Chappelle Got Prince To Perform At SNL's Epic 40th Anniversary Afterparty

Jimmy Fallon Explains How He & Dave Chappelle Got Prince To Perform At SNL's Epic 40th Anniversary Afterparty

At this point, it should be no secret as to how absolutely massive this weekend's festivities were, celebrating 40 proud and pioneering years of comedy in television on Saturday Night Live. However, one aspect of the evening that certainly remains a blur to all who attended is the details surrounding and the eventual manifestation of the most befitting afterparty that ever was, considering the laundry list of top-shelf talent in attendance, and well, the fact that Prince and Dave Chappelle were there. But how exactly did the most epic afterparty and subsequent jam come to be? Jimmy Fallon did all he could to recount the evening's dizzying star-power and explain how he and Dave personally played a part in curating a jam session for the ages. While El Capitan was supposed to be the only thing in the form of musical assistance after that seismic, 3-hour TV event took place, Fallon ended up MCing once he realized the brain-busting guest list he had under that roof. What followed was nothing short of historic, with Prince, Taylor Swift, Paul McCartney and literally the world of entertainment converging on one stage. Song of choice? You guessed it: "Let's Go Crazy." 'Cause why not? Watch Jimmy Fallon do his best to recollect the evening's events on The Tonight Show below.

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