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No, Donald Trump Does Not Draw Bigger Crowds Than Jay Z, Beyoncé

No, Donald Trump Does Not Draw Bigger Crowds Than Jay Z, Beyonc\u00e9

During a rally in North Carolina last night (Monday), Donald Trump claimed that he gets bigger crowds than Jay Z and Beyoncé.

"Beyoncé and Jay Z, I like them, I like them," the Republican presidential candidate said during the rally. "And you know what they do? I get bigger crowds than they do. It's true. I get far bigger crowds."

Well the fine folks over at Politifact determined that Trump's statement was a lie, with the fact checking organization citing the draw of Jay Z and Beyoncé on their co headlining On The Run tour in 2014.

With a little assistance form Billboard's touring data, Politifact discovered that the average size for that tour was 45,700 per concert. This is quite the opposite for Trump, whose average from a sampling of three Trump crowds is around 27,000 per rally.

"Based on the latest Billboard numbers, Trump draws crowds similar to Phish," Politifact stated.

Jay Z and Beyoncé just finished up a get out the vote concert for Hillary Clinton in Cleveland, Ohio. Yesterday, a video featuring parts from the event, along with quotes from Jay, Bey, Chance The Rapper and Big Sean, was released.

"For so long our voice wasn't part of the process," Jay Z says in the beginning of the video. "Communities were underserved because our voice wasn't being heard."

"Less than 100 years ago women did not have the right to vote. Look how far we've come from having no voice, to being on the brink of making history," Beyoncé says in a separate scene as she addresses the audience from a stage.

The video then ends with Jay Z introducing Hillary as she takes the stage.

"I would like to introduce to you, the next president of the United States, Ms. Hillary Clinton," says Jay Z, as the audience chants Hillary's name.

Watch Trump discuss Jay Z and Beyoncé below.