Will Smith On Learning Fearlessness From His Kids, New Music & A Special Reunion w/ DJ Jazzy Jeff
Will Smith On Learning Fearlessness From His Kids, New Music & A Special Reunion w/ DJ Jazzy Jeff

Will Smith On Learning Fearlessness From His Kids, New Music & A Massive Reunion w/ DJ Jazzy Jeff

For better or worse, Will Smith is back in the music game, folks. Last week he dropped his first verse in 10 years on a remix of Bomba Stereo's "Fiesta." And this week, he hit the digital airwaves to discuss artistic whereabouts with the one only Zane Lowe. Lowe played soundboard for much of the interview, where The Fresh Prince discussed how he came back to music with a little assistance from his free-flying conquer-the-world kids, claiming to owe them for rejuvenating his taste for music and how to be fearless as a creative; a true-blue student-becomes-teacher moment.

But perhaps the most compelling segment of the interview came when discussing the work he's actually done on a new album. Smith claims he's recorded roughly 30 cuts, of which he actually holds only 6 or 7 fondly. Even more compelling; Smith plans to rekindle his connection with DJ Jazzy Jeff on a massive tour next summer, likely celebrating the 30-year anniversary of their debut Rock The House, which set them up for a meteoric takeover of a still fledgling rap game. Watch Will Smith's full interview below and hold tight for what appears to be an imminent resurgence in music.

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