Video: First Serve [Plug 1 + 2 of De La Soul] Debut New Music Live on BBC

Pos and Dove from De La Soul took a break from going guerillas in Paris recently to debut their First Serve side-hustle live on the BBC. The 27-minute performance was the debut of the new songs "Move 'Em In, Move 'Em Out" (above) as well as "The Work" (below, along with some classic De La joints in the full-length video). The two plug-kateers sound super-tight live and look like absolute fools in bowtie and union jack-hat, respectively. They didn't rock them for the whole show, but the goofy costumes seem to be sort of the point, the main theme of FS being to get back to the anything-goes spirit of their young days, far as I can tell. Not they are not ALSO putting in work on new LP from De La Soul proper. More on that soon.

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