Syd Tha Kyd
Syd Tha Kyd

Hear Syd's Smokey Double-Feature "Bad Dream/No Looking Back"

Source: Soundcloud

New album o'clock for The Internet?

Earlier this year, The Internet engaged in a piece-by-piece proliferation, with the release of solo projects from the crew's core members: Syd, Matt Martians, Steve Lacy, Kintaro (better known as Jameel Bruner,) along with C&T.

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In the time since, Syd has released various loosies (outtakes from her Fin sessions and guest appearances) to hold us over. Today, she swings back with a two-parter "Bad Dream/No Looking Back," and potentially announced a new project from r&b's boundary-pushing brigade, Always Never Home, the title for which appears at the bottom of the single's artwork (see above.) It's dubbed an "upcoming feature soundtrack," but a brief scan of the web pulls up blank. 30 minutes later, Syd tweeted out a release date for the mysterious project:

Precisely what it is, has yet to be determined. But until it's all sorted, you can hear Syd's smokey double-feature down below and hit the link to revisit Fin on iTunes today. Catch her live and direct with The Internet at Camp Flog Gnaw on October 28th and 29th in Los Angeles. Grab your stubs here via AEG.


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