Rome Fortune Takes an Acoustic Turn With New Single "Kanye, Beyonce"
Rome Fortune Takes an Acoustic Turn With New Single "Kanye, Beyonce"

Rome Fortune Takes an Acoustic Turn With New Single "Kanye, Beyonce"

Though we were just getting used to hearing Rome Fortune against a Toro y Moiand Four Tethelmed backdrops, the rapper is veering slightly left with his latest single. On "Kanye, Beyonce," Atlanta transplant is accompanied by a lone acoustic guitar as he recounts fame's copious ills and the psychological cost of it all.

Whether he's sincere his in the indictment or just capitalizing on a fantastic SEO ploy, vocally speaking, it's a new side of Fortune, more elastic than you've ever heard him. The track arrives on the heels of the C.Z.-produced, "Jaded" and the wonky trap romp "Blicka Blicka" ahead of his upcoming mixtape Beautiful Pimp 3.

Hear the latest from Rome Fortune down below and keep an ear to the ground for his next move. His Soundcloud page appears to be a good place to start.

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