Harvard Student Submits Mixtape For his Final...& He Passes With Honors
Harvard Student Submits Mixtape For his Final...& He Passes With Honors
Photo of Obasi Shaw courtesy of Instagram.

Harvard Student Graduates With Honors After Submitting Mixtape As His Dissertation

Photo of Obasi Shaw courtesy of Instagram.

Obasi Shaw is a 20-year-old originally from Stone Mountain, Georgia. He recently graduated from Harvard University, with honors. And he did it in a way we've never seen before.

To graduate from Harvard with honors you need to submit a dissertation. Now, a dissertation is usually a collection of short stories or poems or maybe a deeply researched and reported persuasive essay. Insteadof doing any of those things, however, Shaw submitteda ten track mixtape called Liminal Mindsas hisdissertation.

Not only was the mixtape so good it was accepted, but Shaw received a grade of A- minus for it and ashout out on Harvard's official Instagram page:

Liminal Minds is a pretty creative album. Like mentioned before, the tape is only ten songs and each track focuseson a different aspect of the black struggle in America.

Speaking to Elite Daily about the tape, Shaw says:

Its been disorienting because I just submitted it as my thesis. I just didnt expect anything to come of it. I had been sharing it with friends. No more than 100 people had heard it.

After he passed, Shaw put the tape on his SoundCloud, and he's gotten hundreds of thousands of views since.

As for what's next, Say is taking his talents to a different career. Next year he will be interning for Google in Seattle.

H/T: Elite Daily

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