Mobb Deep's Prodigy Releases New Prison Cookbook
Mobb Deep's Prodigy Releases New Prison Cookbook
Source: The Source.

Mobb Deep's Prodigy Releases New Prison Cookbook

Following the release of his 2011 autobiography My Infamous Life: The Autobiography Of Mobb Deep's Prodigy, Prodigy has now returned with another book.

Titled Commissary Kitchen the new book is part autobiography, part cookbook, with Prodigy exploring his incarceration (following an illegal gun charge) through foods he made in prison.

The direction taken with this book is obviously different from his autobiography, but it's still filled with insight from the Mobb Deep member, as he reminisces on certain dishes he made for himself. "In a world where prisoners are treated like animals, we made our experiences there feel more human by how we prepared our food," Prodigy writes in the book's introduction.

Considering the horror stories we've heard about the mistreatment of prisoners (especially the food that's given to them on a day to day basis), the artist took control of his meal preparation, insuring that he ate what he wanted to while also maintaining a healthy diet for himself (Prodigy suffers from sickle cell anemia).

Granted, not every recipe worked out in his favor. In an excerpt from the book (courtesy of Genius) the rapper talks about creating a dish called "Prison Surprise," which is a custom recipe based on Ramen noodles and Doritos. Ultimately, Prodigy received food poisoning from the concoction (and had to get an IV in his arm afterwards too).

"But if you wanna be stupid enough to try it, I have the recipe for you," the rapper offers in the excerpt. Below are the ingredients, as well as the instructions on how to prepare to the dish.

• Ramen noodles

• Doritos (you could also substitute with Cheez-Its or sliced cheese)

• Jack Mack (tuna works fine too)

• Hot sauce

"Open the can of Jack Mack, and rinse the fish off gently. Take a bowl of water and microwave it for a minute or until it boils. Throw in Ramen noodles and stir it. Grab the chips and crush them up until they're a fine powder and mix them in with cooked Ramen noodles. It’ll make like a cheese sauce. Throw in the Jack Mack, and then you eat it. Good luck, yo."

As you can see probably not the most appetizing recipe. But surely there's someone that'll probably use this prison delicacy as a late night stoner snack at the very least.

You can read more excerpts at Genius, which also includes Prodigy writing about the most coveted cuisine offered at the prison: a four dollar chicken sandwich that was named "Big Ass Chicken Sandwich." You can also purchase the book here and see some photos from it, courtesy of Mass Appeal.

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