PETA Rereleases Prince's Pro-Vegan Anthem "Animal Kingdom"
PETA Rereleases Prince's Pro-Vegan Anthem "Animal Kingdom"

Minnesota Judge Finally Appoints Heirs to Prince's Estate

Anyone that's followed the trials and tribulation of Prince's estate in the year following the icon's death knows that it hasn't been an easy process for anyone involved. A court-appointed advisor came and went, siblings and half-siblings sued, a deal was struck to finally distribute the contents of the mythical vault (beginning with a deluxe expanded edition of Purple Rain) and then just weeks later, Universal called for the cancellation of their agreement.

So yeah, lots of pieces in the air. But at least one component to this shape-shifting beast of a deliberation has come to its welcomed end. According to Associated Press, a Minnesota judge has officially appointed heirs to Prince's estate, giving his sister, Tyka Nelson, and five half-brothers the reigns to intellectual and physical assets estimated to be worth nearly $200 million (though state and federal taxes are projected to consume almost half of that.)

The next steps for the estate aren't as clear. With Universal pulling out and publishing rights now at stake, the first victory could be its easiest to date. Suppose time will tell, though. Check back for updates on the increasingly unstable Prince estate as they roll in.

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