Pass The Popcorn: First-Ever Maya Angelou Doc Will Premiere At Sundance Film Festival

New Maya Angelou Documentary Set for Sundance Premiere

Last week, Sundance revealed the full slate of forthcoming film premieres for this year's Sundance Film Festival. It was a hefty one, no doubt, but as you combed through the miles-long list, one particular title should jump out at you; Maya Angelou And Still I Rise. Directed by Bob Hercules, Rita Coburn Whackthe film will be the very first feature-length to focus on the life and legacy of the cherished late poet/activist/singer/all-around renaissance woman and was partly crowd-funded via Kickstarter earlier this year.

The film takes its title from Angelou's third volume of poetry And Still I Rise (published in 1978) and while a tailer or, really, details at-large have yet to surface, we can count on this being a fairly compelling piece for the newcomer and seasoned reader alike. The Sundance Film Festival takes place January 21st through the 31st, so be sure to stay tuned for more details on its pick-up and imminent Netflix follow-up.

If you're looking for an early peek at just how transformative a day with Maya Angelou was, peep the full episode of Iconoclast with Angelou and Dave Chappelle for an incredibly visceral crash course.

h/t Shadow And Act

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