Larry Wilmore Sounds Off On 'The Nightly Show' Cancellation
Larry Wilmore Sounds Off On 'The Nightly Show' Cancellation

Larry Wilmore Sounds Off On 'The Nightly Show' Cancellation

Yesterday we were saddened to learn that Larry Wilmore's The Nightly Show would air its final episode this Thursday night, August 18th. We certainly weren't ready to hear it, but so goes the ratings blitz of late-night news satire. And The Daily Show isn't necessarily on safe ground here either. But let's not drown ourselves in sorrow over the prospect of losing not one, but two crucial black voices in late-night. That day has not come, and this week, it's all about Larry.

Media outlets have delivered their hot takes by now, no doubt. But what has Wilmore to say on the week's unfortunate news? Last night's episode opened with an address from The Nightly Show host, thanking is adoring audience and fans before jesting that we must be living in a post-racial society now that he's been taken off the air. A good chuckle is appropriate, but jokes aside, there may be no hope for a "post-racial society" without a voice like Larry Wilmore's. You can watch him sound off on his sudden cancellation in the clip below, just be sure to keep your eye on the show as we ready ourselves for the imminent end of this chapter, and the beginning of a new one.

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