LargeUp Top 10: LU's Most Slept-On Ganja Tunes For 4/20

Smoker's delight! Our 45 kings at LargeUp went deep (deep, deep, deep) into their dub-boxes for 4/20, and pulled out only the finest (and most slept-on!) Ganja Tunes that the island of Jamaica and her diaspora have ever um, blazed. Pretty self-explanatory, hear all 10 classic reggae sides via the link below and meanwhiles, enjoy Sylford Walker's immortal "Lambs Bread" (above). And now you know what the hell Biggie Smalls was talm bout when he shot dread in the head--that's how you kill two white owls with one stone(r)!

>>>Hear All 10 Ganja Tunes (via LargeUp)

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