Listen To A Pre-Section.80 Kendrick Lamar Go Off On The Unearthed Gem "Hub City's Wild Side"

Hear Kendrick Lamar ca. '08 On A Previously Unreleased Gem

Before To Pimp A Butterfly, and well-before the people of Cleveland were chanting "Alright" as an anthem of unrest Kendrick Lamar was on virtually no one's radar outside of his Compton hometown. And while the years since have proven him to be on par with hip-hop's greatest names, very little is known or heard from young K-Dot pre-Section.80. But today, the Compton ode "Hub City's Wild Side" surfaced on the internets, providing us with a taste of Lamar's earliest years as a microphone terror, repping his city with a little less of the socially sharp character we've come to know him by these days, but here's your chance to hear Lamar before the clout and the glamour.

It's not everyday that we get to hit 88 mph in Doc Brown's Delorean, so when the internet provides us with a glimpse, no matter how intimate, we'll take it and smile ear-to-ear. Listen to a spry, rasp-less Kendrick Lamar foreshadow his greatness on the freshly unearthed gem "Hub City's Wild Side" below. And if somehow, some way you abstained from grabbing a copy of his critic-proof 2015 outing To Pimp A Butterfly, do yourself a favor and hit iTunes for the goods. 

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