Pepsi & Kendall Jenner Just Released Quite Possibly The Worst Commercial Of All Time
Pepsi & Kendall Jenner Just Released Quite Possibly The Worst Commercial Of All Time
Photo courtesy of YouTube.

UPDATE: Pepsi To Pull 'White Savior' Ad Starring Kendall Jenner

Photo of Kendall Jenner courtesy of YouTube.

UPDATE #2: The backlash was too strong for Pepsi, as #BlackTwitter layeth the smacketh down on the soda drink juggernaut. The company, which did not understand what it was doing (obviously), has rightfully pulled the ad and made this statement.

You see they didn't apologize to the people of color they offended, right?


UPDATE #1: Pepsi released a statement attempting to diffuse the situation the company itself created.

See the original story below.


All sodas matter. Or is it all Kardashians matter?

We're not really sure. We've spent the last couple of hours trying to figure out Pepsi's baffling new ad.

The commercial stars civil rights heroKendall Jenner, playing the role of a Pepsi toting heroine who solves all of our societal issues by handing out fizzy cola.

The commercial is so odd. There's a Skip Marley song in the background, while a "diverse" population of people hold signs saying banal things like "join the conversation." (What conversation...we're not exactly sure. There's quite a few happening.)

The most galling part of the commercial, however, happens when Kendall approaches a police officer and hands him a Pepsi as if that's the answer to police brutality. Making the matter worse is that the shot is eerily similar to the photo of Ieshia Evans being arrested during the Baton Rouge protests.

Of course, moments after the commercial hit, Black Twitter responded by scorching the ad to death. Here are some of our favorite burns:

So, the question remains...what was Pepsi thinking?

We're still not sure. But Twitter did provide us with one compelling theory.

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