
Jonwayne - Cassette 3: The Marion Morrison Mixtape

Alright, so Jonwayne did y'all a solid with this one. Those of you without a cassette player in your possession can rest assured that the finale in Wayniac's Cassette Trilogy is also available in mp3 form (unlike the lasttwo). Moments ago, the LA emcee/producer released Cassette 3: The Marion Morrison Mixtape with features from Captain Murphy, Jeremiah Jae, Zeroh, and Oliver the 2nd. As for some insight into the title, Jonwyane's Gov't name is Jon Wayne, while the Hollywood Western legend John Wayne you're thinking of, his Gov't name is Marion Morrison. But to add some strange to that, Marion Morrison took his screen name (John Wayne) from Jonwayne's great-great-great-great-great uncle - I can't make this stuff up. 11 tracks, 33 minutes, you have the time and the funds (it's free) - get it below.

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