Are These Hudson Mohawke's Demos For Frank Ocean's New Album?


The wait for a new Frank Ocean album has been a long and painful one. The July due date for Boys Don't Cry has come and gone and now with just a few weeks left in 2015, no word has been heard nor sight has been seen of the enigmatic artist or his much-anticipated sophomore release. And that's fine. We'll wait as long as need be for a proper follow-up to the immutable dopeness that was Channel Orange.

But while the man's away the internets will certainly play. Today, a file containing a collection of eleven Hudson Mohawke productions surfaced on Reddit under the name "frank o0000oocean," were removed and then uploaded again, sparking much speculation that these could very well be demos of songs that were either already released or are still to be hashed-out by r&b sensation in preparation for his next release. Obviously, this is the internet we're talking about, so there's no way to truly confirm, but these are certainly some nice sketches of tracks we could easily hear Frank's voice over (some more than others.) And truth be told, whether they end up on the new record or not, it's a mighty fine collection for you to behold. Hit the link below to download the files and cross all of your free appendages that we see or hear from Frank Ocean soon. The world is in dire need.

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