OKP Premiere: The Hot Jupiters - "My Haven" b/w "Relax"
OKP Premiere: The Hot Jupiters - "My Haven" b/w "Relax"

OKP Double Premiere: The Hot Jupiters Unveil "My Haven" & "Relax"

The Hot Jupiters are the newest heavenly object to emerge from French future soul and alter-dimensional hip-hop microverse that includes Cosmonostro and our homies at NO(w)Futur--and Okayplayer is extremely proud to host their stateside debut, a double premiere of the songs "My Haven" and "Relax" which are meant to be listened to as a single, self-titled 2-song EP. Comprising Primat (France) and CheVon (USA) The Jupiters bring a sound that combines jazz-inflected electric relaxation with a lazy, intelligent-hoodrat -taking-the-long-way-home-from-school flow that recalls Lupe at his waviest or Childish Gambino at his best. The introspective raps dominate the minimal "Relax" but form only one instrument within the sophisticated composition of "My Haven" (watch for the breakdown/change-up at 1:40), hinting at the duo's potential for versatile styles. Most refreshingly though is a digable, Sun-Ra influenced philosophy that feels fresh rather than forced, as if the seeds of previous black futurists have been planted in the soil of new worlds, to be nourished by "the warmth of other suns." If you think I'm waxing unnecessarily poetic, here's what The Hot Jupiters had to say about themselves:

When we are told not to dream, to let go, and distance ourselves from that light, we should not, we could not! For we are Hot Jupiters that clench onto the lights of our innermost innocent creations. As if letting go would be releasing our very being, we can only clench tighter. After all, who can deny creatives to expand imaginations as big as the sun itself. When we are given nothing but a dark canvas with specks of light, is it not our job to orbit closely to that light? Is it not the job of lovers to remind themselves why they love? With each thought we try to get over hills in hopes of seeing the horizon. We remind ourselves who we are, what we are, and most importantly what we can achieve! So let us achieve, like the sun when it is time for the moon to close its eyes, let us blaze!

Listen below and definitely watch the skies for more material from the Hot Jupiters.

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