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Watch Hannibal Buress Call Out Ben Carson For Biting His Style: "F*ck Off!"

Ben Carson is in serious trouble, and no, it's got nothing to do with pyramids. In a hilarious new mini-segment of political punditry, Hannibal Buress fires a few shots at the GOP candidate/clown, noting that many of his mannerisms and mores are obviously stolen. From him. The claims came in the middle of Buress's pondering "If The Candidates Were Rappers, Who Would They Be?" which is so self-explanatory that we're not even going to bother writing it out. Let's just stick to the good stuff.

After comparing Hillary Clinton to Diddy and Joe Biden to Iggy Azalea (yeah, this one gets weird), Buress hits a home run connecting the dots between Donald Trump and DJ Khaled. They're both "loud, arrogant, kind of corney" and "both have catch phrases." There's also some epic sideshots against Khaled's food and beverage ventures.

Things hit critical mass when Carson comes into play, though. "Ben Carson's me, he looks just like me. I'm a rapper, he looks like me, and he sort of talks like me a little bit. He stole some of my quirks--when he closes his eyes and looks up. Where the fuck you get that from, Ben Carson?"

"You're biting my style, Ben Carson. Fuck off."

Watch the full segment below and get set to laugh at the expense of very wealthy and powerful people. Thanks, Hannibal!

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