DeRay Mckesson & Other Activists Launch 'Resistance Manual' Against Trump

DeRay Mckesson & Other Activists Launch 'Resistance Manual' Against Trump

Two organizations have collaborated on a project to help people organize and protect themselves from Donald Trump's forthcoming presidency.

Created by Stay Woke and Campaign Zero, the Resistance Manual is an open-source platform in which users can add and use material to "harness the collective power of the people to resist the impact of a Trump presidency and to continue to make progress in our communities." The project was officially announced by activist DeRay Mckesson today on Twitter.

"The project is intended to be a collective resource for communities across the country to connect to the information and resources they need to resist the Trump/GOP agenda," Samuel Sinyangwe, who is a part of Campaign Zero, said in an interview with Mediaite. "And, over time, the hope is more and more people will contribute content to the site and the information will become more detailed and location-specific to every community in America."

Currently there are a number of different topics listed within the manual including: immigration; mass incarceration; LGBTQ equality; policing; educational justice; housing and infrastructure; and several others. By clicking on one of the topics users can then read up on everything from Trump and the GOP's strategy to how to take action and petition against it.

The website also features tabs for information on mass surveillance, high-profile Trump supporters and institutional racism (among others).

"The Resistance Manual is rooted in the basic principle that the power belongs to the people. We wanted to create a clear tool that people can use for targeted resistance for the next 4 years," Sinyangwe added. "Protecting progress and advancing justice for vulnerable communities is necessary. Therefore, so is resistance. This is one important tool to do it."

Check out the Resistance Manual here, especially if you plan on attending any protests that may be centered around Inauguration Day.

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