DC Protesters Recited Coretta Scott King's Letter With A Bullhorn Last Night
DC Protesters Recited Coretta Scott King's Letter With A Bullhorn Last Night

DC Protesters Recited Coretta Scott King's Letter With A Bullhorn

An impromptu protest was held last night (Wednesday, February 8) in front of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s home.

A group of Washington, D.C., protesters took to McConnell's home this past Wednesday night, in which they read Coretta Scott King's letter opposing the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions as a federal judge, using a bullhorn.

In a report from the DCist, more than 100 people showed up for the protest, where the group proceeded to chant and march up and down the block, before leaving copies of the letter and signs on McConnell's doorstep.

The protest was in response to McConnell's silencing of Senator Elizabeth Warren, when she proceeded to recite King's speech against Sessions on the Senate Floor. "Senator Warren was giving a lengthy speech," McConnell said. "She had appeared to violate the rule. She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted."

"We felt he should have listened to it last night on the Senate floor, and since he wouldn't listen to it last night, we will read it to him tonight," lawyer Ruth Eisenberg said in an interview with the DCist. "...This protest is being led by women, but men and women oppose Jeff Sessions for attorney general and oppose the sexism of not allowing Senator Warren to speak."

Although Warren was silenced by McConnell while reading the speech, she was able to read it in full in a viral Facebook Live video (Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley later read the letter in its entirety on the Senate Floor). Among many points that King's letter makes against Sessions is this one, in which she stated that his appointment to federal judge would "irreparably damage the work of my husband."

Sessions was recently confirmed for attorney general, after being Donald Trump's first pick for the position.

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