Chance The Rapper, Big Sean
Chance The Rapper, Big Sean

Chance The Rapper, Big Sean, Jeremih & Smino "Living Single"

Living Single was such an underrated show, and that Queen Latifah led opening theme song was top five in the '90s. Anyway, that opening theme song gets its’ proper respect with this smooth interpolation courtesy of Chance The Rapper, Big Sean, Jeremih, and Smino.

Not sure who leaked this gem (it may not be long for the internets), but there was word around the release of Coloring Book that a Chance and Big Sean collab existed but its’ release was being blocked, so it remained on the cutting room floor - until now.

Listen as Chano, Sean, Jeremih, and Smino pen some verses on that single life over Cam O'bi's production.

UPDATE: It's gone, as suspected this one sprung an unauthorized leak.

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