Barack Obama Talks Legacy, What He'll Miss Most As President In New Interview

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President Obama is prepping his leave from the White House, so it is understandable that a number of interviews have been released with the POTUS following this year's presidential election.

One such interview was conducted by Rolling Stone, in which Obama discussed his eight year legacy and Donald Trump's presidential election win.

"Well, I'm disappointed, partly because I think Hillary Clinton would be a very fine president," Obama said in regards to Clinton's loss. "As I said on the campaign trail, a lot of the work we've done is only partially complete. And we need some continuity in order for us to maximize its benefits."

When asked if he feels dismayed or upset about the results, Obama responds by saying that he does not, primarily because of all of the young people he has worked with in his administration.

"If you look at the data from the election, if it were just young people who were voting, Hillary would have gotten 500 electoral votes," Obama said. "So we have helped, I think, shape a generation to think about being inclusive, being fair, caring about the environment."

The president then discusses some private moments that have had an effect on him, most notably reading letters from people across America in the Treaty Room.

"There have been times just sitting in the Treaty Room reading letters from people who have a story to tell, a veteran who's not getting services they need [and] a young DREAM Act kid who describes how he's now gotten a degree and has gone back and is teaching in the school where he went, that move you deeply," Obama said.

And as for what he will miss most about being president? The team he has built and worked with throughout his presidency.

"What I will take away from this experience is them: seeing how they work together, seeing the commitments they have made toward the issues that we care about," Obama said.

Check out the rest of the interview here, where Obama also discusses if Michelle Obama will ever run office.

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