Azealia Banks to Elon Musk : "I Feel Terrible About Everything"
Azealia Banks to Elon Musk : "I Feel Terrible About Everything"

Azealia Banks to Elon Musk : "I Feel Terrible About Everything"

The Banks/Musk saga is either coming to a close or commencing a brand new chapter

Reminder: Never leave Azealia Banks waiting for anything, ever. In case you've kept out of the Harlem provocateur's accounts of getting ghosted by Grimes at then boyfriend and eternal supervillain Elon Musk's house, it's taken some pretty wild turns in the last week.

For Musk's part, he's been subpoenaed by the SEC, outed as the rare Twitter user that prefers to thumb through his timelines on psychedelics (deleting his Instagram account instead,) and apparently lost his art-pop muse in the storm. The Banks Effect in full force.

READ: Azealia Banks Says Her Weekend at Elon Musk's House was "A Real Life Episode of Get Out"

Banks, however, is not without remorse. Yesterday, the artist offered a letter of atonement via Instagram, in which she details her intentions for the unintentional stay (formerly dubbed: a "real life episode of Get Out") and apologizes for "the painful events you endured the past week, as I feel as though my actions have largely exacerbated them."

By the end of it, Banks offers to formally introduce herself, noting that they were unsuspecting "co-stars of pop culture's latest fan-fiction." Which is the kindest possible way to say "Sorry you got caught in the winds of my perpetual shitstorm. You may be here a while."

You can read the full letter below per Consequence of Sound.

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