'Around Blacks, Never Relax' Fliers Appear On UT Austin Campus After Knife Attack
'Around Blacks, Never Relax' Fliers Appear On UT Austin Campus After Knife Attack
Photo via Houston Chronicle

'Around Blacks, Never Relax' Fliers Appear On UT Austin Campus After Knife Attack

Photo via Houston Chronicle

Racist fliers have popped up throughout the University of Texas at Austin campus, following an incident in which a black man reportedly stabbed several students, killing one of them.

On Monday, Kendrix J. White walked around the university campus randomly stabbing students with a "bowie-style" hunting knife Monday afternoon and was apprehended on the scene. The incident resulted in the death of Harrison Brown, a freshman attending the Austin university.

Following his arrest, UT Austin Police Chief David Carter said that White may have been "suffering from mental health issues" and "This was not about a person who had a vendetta."

Since the incident, racist fliers featuring a caricature of a black man holding a knife have popped up throughout the campus. "Around blacks...never relax!" accompanies the image. Although it is unknown if the fliers are in retaliation to White's attack, some students have assumed that is the case.

"I know what happened yesterday was a tragedy and that people are scared, upset, hurt and/or looking for someone to blame.

But this? This is not okay," Kim Nguyen, a senior at UT Austin, wrote on her Facebook in regards to the flyer. "I don't know who you are, but by doing this, you're only spreading more fear and hate and deepening the racism that already exists in our society."

Further reports have revealed that the flyer comes from the neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer. However, a Google reverse image search reveals that the image has been circulating as a meme for quite some time.

University of Texas President Greg Fenves said officials took the fliers down after receiving complaints from students.

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