Video: ∂eƒ sound "Bird(s).i.View" feat. Nikko Gray

I love ∂eƒ sound's songs and the trippy vids that come with them, but one of my favorite pieces of his art installations are his youtube descriptions of his videos: "have you ever listened to a hummingbird heart through a tulip? well, this is what happens when the sky switches with the sea and def sound and nikko gray let brook d'leau perform open eye surgery on them and turn their eyes into projectors. the results are both sexy and thee most distorted version of beautiful." I won't even attempt to top that, but here are the rest of the detail; ∂eƒ sound collaborates with Nikko Gray for the Brook D'Leau (of J*DaVeY) produced jawn  "Bird(s).i.View." Video directed by Holly Port and edited by Peter Dean. Again, ∂eƒ tosses this one up to the fans to remix (vocals here), winner (chosen by ∂eƒ & Brook)  will receive: a free physical version of thee album and 2 def sound pin's, and a "∂eƒ is ▲❍▼❏" sticker. I love the song as is, but go ahead and see if you can splash some added flavor on it. △nything: thee.idea.machine. is set to drop this summer.

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