Audio: Karriem Riggins - "Matador" + New LP Today
When The Revivalist last spoke with musician Karriem Riggins, he claimed that listeners, young and old alike, would appreciate his music's honesty and simplicity. That Riggins takes the "less is more" approach might be an understatement--if not a misstatement altogether--considering his debut Stones Throws album, Alone Together (which released today, btw). Case in point, this track "Matador," a hip-hop instrumental that starts off simplistically, sounding like a carousel straight outta the Super Nintendo classic, Zombies Ate My Neighbors. Simple enough. But cue Riggins' jazz background, and you cue his improvisational skill and musical playfulness, which pushes "Matador" (and a lot of Riggins' music) to the next level; a different sphere that demands that you continue floating or jump in spittin'.