Watch Killer Mike Interview Bernie Sanders In The Swag Shop

Watch Killer Mike Interview Bernie Sanders In The Swag Shop

For months now, Killer Mike has been riding for presidential hopeful Bernie SandersHe's introduced The Bern at a recent Atlanta rally, broken bread with him at local treasure Busy Bee Cafe and today, the incomparable emcee has relinquished an extensive interview of Sanders that he conducted in his very own barbershop, The Swag Shop (which was prominently featured in a recent mini-doc.)

The six-part, hour-plus interview finds the odd couple waxing political over a broad range of topics, including social justice, healthcare reform, gun control, economic autonomy and the crucial component of democracy that is protest. They don't exactly see eye-to-eye on everything, but this certainly stands as a model for the type of balanced and focused political discourse that we'd like to see around any dinner table in any corner of the county. Watch as Killer Mike and Bernie Sanders chop it up in the Swag Shop down below and get familiar with the revolutionary Vermont Senator by heading over to his campaign page for a full docket of his policy stances and reforms.

"Economic Freedom"

"Social Justice"

"A Rigged Economy"

"Free Healthcare"

"Political Protest"


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